
Welcome to POSIPOL 2011 at IHEP        

Following the tradition of holding POSIPOL at hosting laboratory campus, POSIPOL 2011 welcome you to IHEP from August 28-30, 2011, in Beijing, China. POSIPOL workshop started in 2006 at CERN, and becomes a series of annual workshop:ˇˇ
POSIPOL 2007 at LAL 
POSIPOL 2008 at Hiroshima
POSIPOL 2009 at Lyon 
POSIPOL 2010 at KEK 

As the sixth of POSIPOL workshop series, POSIPOL 2011 at IHEP will keep the main features of POSIPOL series, i.e. to couple Linear Collider (ILC+CLIC) aimed polarized positron source R&D efforts to more general polarized positron related community with the aim of advancing polarized positron studies through exchanges and collaborations. 

The main goal of this workshop

The main goal of this workshop is to achieve required positron beams for linear colliders, but not limited to it, with the main items listed below:

  • Polarized gamma ray generation
  • High degree Polarized positron generation from compton scattering both ring and linac based
  • High degree polarized positron generation from undulator radiation
  • Stacking and accumulation of the polarized beam from compton regime
  • Polarized beam transport, control and acceleration
  • Channelling radiation and applications
  • Physics applications of polarized positrons
  • Various high intensity positron sources (include conventional)
  • For other future colliders (SuperB for example)
  • Positron generation target issues
  • Physics applications of high quality X-rays and gamma-rays
  • Polarimetry at the e+ sourceˇˇ
  • The positron capture section and the photon collimation
  • Review the activities of the ˇ°ILC-CLIC e+ generationˇ± working group for all schemes
  • Status of the CDR for CLIC and TDR for ILC
  • Polarized electron sources

 ILC Positron Collaboration Meeting
   August 27, 2011, IHEP, Beijing, China
   Meeting Chairman: Wei GAI

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Announcement:  We expect to publish a conference proceedings after the workshop.  We encourage every speaker summarize the their work and contribute to the proceedings.  Publisher is most likely to be World Scientific Publishing, details to follow soon.

The meeting will discuss the current status of ongoing R&D, accelerator design and integration studies. The particular aims of this meeting will be to prepare for the TDR documentation and baseline review. 

Topics of discussions: TDP Status & problems reports; Undulator; Target; OMD, capture optics; Collimation; Source modeling; Remote handling; Polarization.